(London, circa 1860) Darla to Angelus: Drusilla has the sight!
from Dear Boy (Season 2)
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ANGELUS: I thought we were meeting in the Square.

DARLA: I ran into Lord Nichols - horrid little man. He was propositioning a streetwalker and dickering over the price - can you imagine? I told him I'd do him for nothing.

Angelus: You're very charitable.

DARLA: I so loathe cheap royalty.

Angelus: They all taste the same to me.

DARLA: Mmmmmm - my boy does have the touch.

Angelus: Darla.


Angelus: Why'd you kill the streetwalker?

DARLA: Oh - I just liked *her*. Guess what's next?

Angelus: What is it?

DARLA: Surprise. You have to guess.

Angelus: (spots family) The three daughters - all virgins.

DARLA: Close.

Angelus: The one in the middle has something delicate and unique. Did you find me a Saint?

DARLA: Better than that. She has the sight.

(The girl in the middle turns. It's Drusilla.)

Angelus: Visions. She sees the future. She is pure innocence, yet she sees what's comin', she knows what I'm gonna to do to her. I'll really have to come up to snuff for this one.

DARLA: Now you're learning. Down boy, let the plum ripen.

Angelus: You always come up with something new.

DARLA: Keeps me young.

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written by: David Greenwalt; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited, formatted, and checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
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