Cordelia: why are the PtB showing me a murder that happened a week ago?
from Billy (Season 3)
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ANGEL: Easy.

CORDELIA: Convenience store, man attacking a woman. His wife - it's his wife.

ANGEL: How many convenience stores we got on the Westside?

FRED: Well, even if you just include Santa Monica, Beverly Hills and Malibu only, the combined populations is something like a hundred thirty thousand people spread over more than thirty square miles, and given that...

GUNN: A lot.

FRED: I was - getting there.

WESLEY: Alright. We go in two teams. Gunn, you and I...

CORDELIA: No. It's too late. You can't save her. This murder happened a week ago. Why would they show this to me now?

(later, at the Hyperion)

CORDELIA: What's this?

WESLEY: Everything. Everything about the crime I believe you saw in your vision. Police reports, husband's written confession, captures from the convenience store's video surveillance cameras ...and I have to caution all of you, the medical examiners crime scene photos. Cordelia...

ANGEL: Maybe you shouldn't be looking at that.

CORDELIA: Tell that to the Powers. They already ran the THX version in my head, remember? (To Wes) How did you get this stuff?

WESLEY: I did it the old-fashioned way: I bought it.

FRED: The police sold you this stuff?

WESLEY: Not exactly. A source. Someone who has access. Usually they sell to the tabloids, when the victims are - more high profile.

GUNN: Charlene Baird.

WESLEY: The victim. She and the perpetrator were married for thirty years, no history of domestic violence.

FRED: Why'd he do it?

WESLEY: He says she wouldn't listen to him. He was trying to get her to stop talking.

FRED: Well, it worked.

GUNN: I don't get it. This guy confessed. Crime solved. Why are the Powers airing re-runs in Cordy's head?

WESLEY: I don't know.

ANGEL: I do. (Put the photo on the counter) Eleven twenty four, twenty minutes before the crime occurred. Look who's there.

GUNN: Oh, boy.

CORDELIA: What? - What?!

(She takes one of the photos and looks at Billy.)

CORDELIA: Okay. Kinda cute. So, who is he?

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written by: Tim Minear & Jeffrey Bell; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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