Angel: we found some parts
from Some Assembly Required (Season 2)
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ANGEL: You're back.

BUFFY: Angel!

ANGEL: Xander.

XANDER: Angel.

ANGEL: (to Buffy) I thought you were takin' the night off.

BUFFY: I, I was, um, but something came up.

ANGEL: Cordelia told me the truth.

XANDER: That's gotta be a first.

GILES: Um, as long as you're here, perhaps you could be of some help. Hmm? (to Buffy) Hmm?

BUFFY: We were investigating. Somebody's been digging up the bodies of dead girls.

ANGEL: I know. We found some of them.

BUFFY: You mean, like, two of the three?

ANGEL: I mean, like, some of them. Like parts.

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written by: Ty King; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 26

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