Cordy doesn’t want to talk to Aura
from Rm w/a Vu (Season 1)
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CORDELIA: I’ve had it with these cheap trash bags! They leak and break and end up costing us more!

DOYLE: I believe it!

CORDELIA: Yeah, It was a great audition! I was all about things leaking. How could they not pick me?

DOYLE: They don’t know what they missed.

CORDELIA: (ignoring ringing phone) They gave it to a blonde that showed up in a skintight leather cat suit. She is supposed to be a housewife. She looked ridiculous. She looked like cat-woman taking out the cat-trash.

DOYLE: Are you gonna answer the phone?

ANGEL: Good question.

CORDELIA: Oh, yeah, right. Oh, the machine got it.

ANSWERING MACHINE: Angel Investigations. We help the hopeless. If that’s you, leave a message. (Beep)

AURA: (Leaving a message.) Hey, Cordy. It’s Aura. I just wanted to check in, you know see how're you're doing and everything. Oh, you would not believe what’s going on in Sunnydale!

DOYLE: You don’t wanna talk to her?

CORDELIA: Um, not just yet. She's just gonna ask me about where I’m living and how the acting is going, and I'm just not for leading the parade of pain. I’ll do it when things are better.

DOYLE: Well, I don’t know if I can help with the acting, but about the apartment…


DOYLE: Well, if you ever wanna - you know – spend one night away from the place – maybe give me a call.

CORDELIA: Well, stranger things have happened. No wait, they really haven’t. (leaving) I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye, Angel, I’m taking off.

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written by: Jane Espenson; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited & formatted for this site by: tralf. checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 20

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