Gwen to Gunn: Thanks for turning me... off from Players (Season 4) | Next Clip in Episode |
GUNN: (returning the jade tiger) Back where he belongs. I got to give you credit—you are stubborn.
GWEN: I know what I want.
GUNN: I get that. At least, I used to. Things aren't always so clear anymore.
GWEN: You seemed pretty clear tonight.
GUNN: Adrenaline rush—when I was trying to save that girl.
GWEN: I meant when you were saving me.
GUNN: Hey, I'm just the muscle.
GWEN: Don't knock the muscle, buddy. Makes the girls go all knocky in the knees. But if that's all you were, we never could've gotten into that party tonight.
GUNN: Oh, you would've gotten in. Of course, the damage would have been significantly higher.
GWEN: Thanks to your brains-over-brawn approach.
GUNN: Well, not so much brains as too many movies.
GWEN: Man, they have done a number on you. You really believe this I'm the muscle crap.
GUNN: This your version of a pep talk?
GWEN: Could be. Need one?
GUNN: Nah.
GWEN: Good. It's not my area of expertise. So, why do you stay if that's all they see in you?
GUNN: I'm a fighter. Born and raised. (beat) You love being a thief?
GWEN: (holds up her gloved hands) I'm a freak. Being a thief makes me a part of something—and not a part at the same time. Tonight? (grins) Yeah, I kinda loved it.
GUNN: You know, for someone loving life, you seemed awfully willing to die for this. (holds up the L.I.S.A.)
GWEN: What you saw tonight, that's as bad as it gets, but even at its best... That thing might let me be—(sighs) well, not normal—but...hold hands, maybe. (nods) So, yeah, guess I was willing to die, or even—- you wouldn't understand.
GUNN: Sure I do. Brainy, remember? You want to show me how this thing works?
(Gwen lays face down on the bed, her dress half-removed to expose her back)
GUNN: How do you fire it up?
GWEN It's not an X-Box. Just put it on. (Gunn holds the L.I.S.A. over the small of Gwen's back) Careful.
GUNN: (he touches her tentatively, gets shocked) Ow.
GWEN: Like I said... (Gunn places the L.I.S.A. on Gwen's back) It's chilly.
(it comes to life, with little needle-like legs sinking in to anchor it to her back)
GWEN: What's it doing?
GUNN: You ever seen one of those body-snatcher movies? Feel any different?
GWEN: Yeah. Not so much. (tentatively, Gunn reaches out to Gwen's back, touching his fingers to her skin) Think it worked. (Gunn runs his hand down her back) It feels good.
GUNN: So...if you couldn't touch, guess that means you've never—
GWEN: (sits up quickly, holding her dress to her chest) Nope. Nope. Anyway, thanks for turning
GUNN: (chuckles) Anytime. Thank you.
GWEN: For what? The guards? The suit? The almost dying?
GUNN: The most fun I've had...since... (kisses Gwen on the lips)
GWEN: You know, um...that device, um, it's a prototype. It might not hold.
GUNN: Well, you've already killed me once. If it happens again, you know where my battery is.
written by: Jeffrey Bell & Sarah Fain & Elizabeth Craft; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at: