Wes: I'm choosing a side. It's over, Lilah.
from Habeas Corpses (Season 4)
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(Wes opens the door to Lilah, who was visibly anxious about his safety.)

LILAH: OK. (smiles) I was just checking.

WESLEY: I'm alive.

LILAH: (concerned) Not by much from the looks of it. (hugs him) I left you a couple hundred messages last night. Don't feel obligated to return any of them.

WESLEY: Then you're all right.

LILAH: Fine. Slept at Wolfram and Hart. FYI, safest place to be in case of an apocalypse. You on the other hand— Hmm. I bet I could make you feel better. (leans in to kiss him, but he turns and walks away) You know, it's weird. Rain of fire, whole city burning—why do I feel a chill?

WESLEY: I can't do this anymore.

LILAH: Yeah, yeah, I've heard that a million times, cowboy. We both know how this song ends. You, me, broken furniture...

WESLEY: It's over, Lilah.

LILAH: You're serious.

WESLEY: After what I saw last night, I believe a day of reckoning has arrived.

LILAH: And you just reckon you'll toss in with the good guys?

WESLEY: I'm choosing a side.

LILAH: And the girl of your dreams just happens to be on it. Hmm. What are the odds?

WESLEY: This isn't about Fred. Or anyone else, for that matter. It's about right and wrong.

LILAH: And you have such a clear grip on those concepts.

WESLEY: I've made mistakes.

LILAH: You're making a big one now. (walks up to him, puts her arms around his neck) I could wear the glasses again.

WESLEY: Don't embarrass yourself. (she pulls away) There is a line, Lilah. Black and white, good and evil.

LILAH: Funny thing about black and white— you mix it together and you get gray. And it doesn't matter how much white you try and put back in, you're never gonna get anything but gray. And I don't see your Texas-gal-pal wearing that color. Come to think of it, she prefers black.

(walks out of the apartment)

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written by: Jeffrey Bell; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 34

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