Kennedy: gearing up already?
from Potential (Season 7)
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MOLLY: Ooh, crossbow! Got to love it. Feels like I'm storming a castle.

RONA: You do a lot of that, do you?

MOLLY: I might, I had a beauty like this. (to Dawn) Halt!

DAWN: OK, see, that's why we don't point the weapons in the kitchen.

VI: It's not loaded.

DAWN: That's always the lead quote under the headline "Household Crossbow Accident Claims Teen".

VI: Oh, a mace!

DAWN: (rolls her eyes) Yeah, that's better.

RONA: Gotta go with the stake. It's classic. I like the feel of wood in my hand.

KENNEDY: Lost me there. Hey, we gearing up already?

DAWN: Oh, right. You guys are going on your little group patrol.

VI: More than that, it's an outing.

KENNEDY: I'm thinking tonight we might actually get to kill things.

DAWN: I-I've killed things sometimes.

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written by: Rebecca Kirshner; Transcribed by: CariCranberry. edited by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 28

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