Buffy: Horny dummy thing isn't an act, huh?
from The Puppet Show (Season 1)
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Sid: So, what's your deal, kid? I don't figure you for a demon hunter.

BUFFY: I'm a Vampire Slayer.

Sid: You?! You're the Slayer? Damn! I knew a Slayer in the 30's. Korean chick. Very hot. We're talking *muscle* tone. Man, we had some times. Hey, that was pre- dummy, alright? Now, I was a guy!

BUFFY: So, you kill the demon and the curse is lifted, right?

Sid: That's the drill.

BUFFY: You don't actually turn into a prince, do you? I-I mean, your body...

Sid: Is dust and bones. When I say free...

BUFFY: You mean dead.

Sid: Don't get sniffly on me, sis. I've lived a lot longer than most demon hunters. Or Slayers, for that matter. (puts his hand on her knee) Of course, if you want to snuggle up and comfort me...

BUFFY: So, that horny dummy thing really *isn't* an act, is it?

Sid: Nope!


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written by: Dean Batali & Rob Des Hotel; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 19

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