Fred to Harmony: Oh, hey, last night was actually... I mean, I really had...kind of a nice time.
from Harm's Way (Season 5)
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FRED: (examining the body) ...significant postmortem battering. Suggests prior relationship with the victim. Consulting coroner puts time of death at approximately 1:30 A.M., Which—

(Harmony walks up to Fred, startling her as she examines the body)

FRED: Harmony.

HARMONY: Hi! I just thought I'd pop in to see—

FRED: Angel sent you, didn't he?


FRED: He's all antsy about the demon summit, so he sent you here to rush me, only he doesn't wanna seem like he sent you here to rush me, so he told you to act all... like that.

HARMONY: Oh! Yeah! Totally. You know our Angel. So... what do you know? Do—do you know who did it?

FRED: The body's only been here 20 minutes.

HARMONY: Uh-huh. And don't you think it's possible that whoever did it could have blacked out and doesn't even remember doing it, so it's totally not their fault?

FRED: (shrugs) I...I guess. Oh, hey, last night was actually... I mean, I really had...kind of a nice time.

HARMONY: Huh? Oh, yeah. Me, too.

FRED: (to her recorder) Bite marks are 17 millimeters apart, 6 millimeters deep, on the right side of the neck.

HARMONY: Well, that doesn't sound like much to go on.

FRED: (to her recorder) The size and depth of the wound indicate a female vampire.

HARMONY: Or gay!

FRED: doesn't really work like that. Anyway, if you want to hang out again sometime, we could grab some wine, jam to the Dixie Chicks.

HARMONY: Oh, gee, you know, my schedule's kind of packed right—

FRED: (looking closely at the body) Hey!


FRED: Something you want to tell me?

HARMONY: Tell...what?

FRED: The guy at the bar. I want to hear all about it.

HARMONY: Oh! That. Uh...well... loser... (scoffs) Big! Told me he was an astronaut.

FRED: Like anyone would believe that!

HARMONY: I know! Well, I'd better... (exits)

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written by: Sarah Fain and Elizabeth Craft; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 18

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