Wes to Fred: Keep reading!
from Smile Time (Season 5)
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(Wes & Fred are in the Don't Room)

WESLEY: (handing Fred a bag) Fred. (begins reading from a scroll) Aperi, rumpe, solve, reveni. Aperi, rumpe, solve, reveni—

(the nest egg starts rumbling and begins opening its glowy smile)

WESLEY: Don't look at it, Fred. Refer quod furatum—

(The large purple puppet Ratio Hornblower grabs Wesley around the neck, choking him and pulling him away from the nest egg. Wes drops the scroll.)

FRED: Wes!

WESLEY: No, Fred. Keep reading!


FRED: ...Solve, reveni, aperi, rumpe... solve, reveni... fractae, omnia vin—

(Fred notices Ratio coming at Wes with a fire extinguisher. So she stops reading, pulls out a gun, and proceeds to shoot Ratio several times)


FRED: Omnia incantamenta fracta. Omnia incantamenta fracta.

(Wesley pushes the puppet against the wall and breaks off his horn. The puppet lets out a terrible deflating squeaking sound from where his horn used to be attached. The puppet's stuffing is coming out of him, showering Wesley with its guts. The puppet collapses. )


FRED: ...Fracta. Aperi, rumpe, solve, reveni.

(The smiling nest egg glows brightly and begins to crack. As the glowing gets brighter, the egg explodes, showering the room with bright light. Meanwhile, the little girl is flung back from the TV into her beanbag chair)

GIRL'S MOM: Anna, what's going on in there?

LITTLE GIRL: Nothing. Just watching TV.

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written by: Joss Whedon & Ben Edlund; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 31

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