Insane in the basement (Willow's perspective)
from Same Time, Same Place (Season 7)
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SPIKE: Out! This is my place. You need permission to be here. You need a special slip with a stamp.

WILLOW: Spike. My God... I?

SPIKE: You go off and try to wall up the bad parts and put your heart back in where it fell out. You call yourself finished, but you're not. Worse than ever, you are... (pause, calmer) You went away. You've been gone since...

WILLOW: I needed to go, but I'm back now. And I found... There's a body.

SPIKE: Tragedy. Is there blood?

WILLOW: Uh, I, Yeah, and I can't find Buffy or Xander or Dawn. And there's this thing killing people. And the victim was... skinned. What could do that?

SPIKE: You did it once. I heard about it.

WILLOW: Anything other?other than me?

SPIKE: (off to the side) Look at you... glowing. What's a word means "glowing"? Gotta rhyme.

WILLOW: Spike?

SPIKE: Oh, ah, no. I-I-I should hide. Hide from you. Hide my face. You know what I did.

WILLOW: What you did? You didn't do anything... did you?

SPIKE: Everyone's talking to me. No one's talking to each other. (looks pointedly at Willow)

WILLOW: Spike, please try to listen to me.

SPIKE: (triumphant) Someone isn't here. Button, button... who's got the button? My money's on (faces Willow) the witch.

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written by: Jane Espenson; Transcribed by: CariCranberry. Edited by me. . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 23

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