Gunn: This is nitro. The last thing I want is my body parts mixed up with yours!
from The Shroud of Rahmon (Season 2)
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(Ugly takes a small glass bottle filled with yellow liquid out of a box, his hand shaking, and moves to insert it into the hole drilled into the door.)

SPINY: You're taking too long! (Everyone jumps.)

GUNN: Spine-man, chill. All right? This is nitro. The last thing I want is my body parts mixed up with yours!

SPINY: We should have been in the vault by now.

UGLY: Shut up! (The nitro slips) No!

(Angel stretches out his foot and catches the bottle with his foot.)

ANGEL: Allow me. (takes the bottle off his boot and inserts it into the door)

(All of them standing around the corner, Ugly blows the lock out of the door.)

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written by: Jim Kouf; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted and checked against source by chicken_cem. . Full transcript at:
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