Wes: Unless I'm very much mistaken, I've just activated the bomb.
from Lineage (Season 5)
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captures from this scene

FRED: We found a series of symbols we haven't been able to decipher.

WESLEY: Yes. Interesting.

KNOX: We're reading trace radiation signatures, so we've been hesitant to crack it open.

FRED: Could be a bomb, some sort of self-destruct device.

(Fred fumbles with a gadget on the table)

KNOX: (to Fred) Let me help you with that. You shouldn't...

FRED: Thanks. Anyway, we were wanting you to decipher it before we went digging around in there. Wesley handles this sort of stuff for us all the time. He's a genius when it comes to languages.

ROGER: Oh, the academy didn't make him head boy for nothing. Mind you, as I recall, the pickings were a bit slim that year.

WESLEY: The pattern indicates a Hellenic derivation. I'd say early Moracian, in fact. It's a directive of some sort, a battle prayer... or a binding spell. The full text is obscured. (pushes some flesh away from the circular device inside the cyborg's abdomen) I'll need to prepare some sort of effective counter spell—

(The device starts beeping.)

ROGER: What did you just do?

WESLEY: Unless I'm very much mistaken, I've just activated the bomb.


KNOX: Do you see a trip mechanism?

WESLEY: (tensely) You mean the one I just tripped? Get everyone out of here. We have to evacuate the entire building!

SPIKE: (starts to leave, then stops) Wait. What the hell am I worried about?

FRED: Look for an incident device—a switch or a circuit breaker of some sort.

WESLEY: There's nothing. (grabs Fred's arm; starts pushing her away) Fred, you have to get out of here. Get away from this building, as far as possible. We have no idea how powerful the blast could be.

FRED: What about you?

WESLEY: I'll stay with the bomb, try to diffuse it. It could be our only—

(the cyborg's device stops ringing)

WESLEY: (to his father) What did you do?

ROGER: These symbols were, in fact, Dutrovic in origin, not Moracian, as you surmised. When interpreted correctly, these symbols spell out the proper procedure for handling the cyborg's power core, including this fail-safe, in case someone trips the self-destruct device. Quite simple really.

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written by: Drew Goddard; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 20

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