Buffy: natural immunity to Willow's spell
from Something Blue (Season 4)
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(Anya and Xander suddenly burst through the front door. Everyone stands as Xander pulls a bookshelf in front of the door.)

XANDER: Board up the windows, and barricade the doors.

GILES: What's going on?

ANYA: Demons. They keep coming and coming.

XANDER: I think we lost them, but I couldn't see. (Sees Spike) Spike! He's all untied! Which you probably noticed..

BUFFY: Xander, calm down, okay? If you lost them, that'll give us some time to figure this out. (To Spike) Maybe the demons have something to do with Giles being blind.

ANYA: Giles is blind?

(Xander walks over to Giles and starts waving his fingers in front of Giles' face)

GILES: Please stop whatever you're doing. You smell like fruit roll-ups.

SPIKE: This is the crack team that foils my every plan? I am *deeply* ashamed.

BUFFY: Spike's right. We really should get organized.

ANYA: Why are you holding hands?

SPIKE: They have to hear it sooner or later..

BUFFY: Spike and I are getting married!

XANDER: How? What? How?

GILES: Three excellent questions.

SPIKE: (To Buffy) What are you lookin' at?

BUFFY: The man I love.

(They kiss. A lot. Anya and Xander look a bit disgusted)

XANDER: Can I be blind, too? Wait.. married.. I know something.. what is it..? Everything's so familiar.. Work, brain - work! Oh! Oh oh! Willow!

BUFFY: (Talking around the kissing) Mm..what about Will.. Mmm, honey, get off.

XANDER: Something about Willow and her griefy-poor-me mood swings - so, so tired of it.

ANYA: You mean I don't have to be nice about her anymore?

BUFFY: Well, we're all tired of it, but what does it have to do with what's going on?

XANDER: She told me I was a demon magnet, a-and you two should get married.

GILES: (realizing) And.. that I didn't see anything.

BUFFY: She did a spell.

GILES: Yes.. to have her will done. Whatever she says is coming true.

BUFFY: And you both were effected. I probably only escaped because I'm the Slayer. Some kind of natural immunity.

XANDER: Yeah. Right. You're marrying Spike because you're so right for each other.

BUFFY: Xander.

SPIKE: That's it - you're off the usher list.

GILES: People, Willow is out there and she probably doesn't know what she's doing.

XANDER: We gotta find her.

BUFFY: Before somebody gets really hurt.

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written by: Tracey Forbes; Transcribed by Collie. (Paranoia@slayme.com). Full transcript at:
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