Buffy to Joyce: Thank you. Good-bye.
from Normal Again (Season 6)

JOYCE: Buffy? It's going to be okay, sweetheart. Whatever it is, it's not real, remember? Just keep concentrating, I'm right here, sweetie.

XANDER: Buffy, help me! Buffy, help!

TARA: (entering) Willow? (does magic, Buffy reaches out & trips her as she descends the stairs)

JOYCE: Buffy, look at me. I believe in yourself. You're a survivor, you can do this.

BUFFY: (banging her head against the asylum wall) Willow!

JOYCE: Buffy, Buffy, fight it. You're too good to give in. You can beat this thing. Be strong, baby, okay? I know you're afraid, I know the world feels like a hard place sometimes, but you've got people who love you. Your dad and I we have all the faith in the world in you. We'll always be with you. You've got a world of strength in your heart, I know you do. You just have to find it again. Believe in yourself.

(Buffy grows calm)

BUFFY: You're right. (teary smile) Thank you. (voice cracking) Good-bye.

JOYCE: Buffy!

(Buffy returns to the real world, kills the demon)

BUFFY: I'm so sorry.

WILLOW: Buffy?

XANDER: We're okay, it's all okay.

WILLOW: Buffy, sit down, you'll fall over.

BUFFY: I can't, not until I have the antidote.

WILLOW: Okay, we'll make more. We'll take care of it. Everything's going to be okay.

(cut to dead-eyed Buffy in asylum)

Doctor: I'm sorry, there's no reaction at all. I'm afraid we've lost her.

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written by: Diego Gutierrez; Got tired of waiting to find a complete transcript to copy-paste from, so I typed these up myself.. Full transcript at:
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