Willow & Buffy at the crime scene
from Pangs (Season 4)
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(crime scene investigation) BUFFY: I'll never get used to this. One day, she's at the friendship ceremony. The next day, she's on the news.

WILLOW: The coroner's office said she was missing an ear. So I'm thinking, Maybe we're looking for a witch. There's some great spells that work much better with an ear in the mix.

BUFFY: That's one fun little hobby you've got there, Will.

WILLOW: Or...Or maybe an ear-harvesting demon that--it's, like, building another demon completely out of ears. Or...Ooh. Thought. We're just assuming someone else cut off the ear. What if it was self-inflicted, like van gogh?

BUFFY: So...She brutally stabs herself, dumped the body, then cut off her own ear?

WILLOW: No. She cut off her ear, then killed herself, then dumped the body-- I'm really off my game, aren't I?

BUFFY: Yeah. Wait. Something's missing from this case.

(She reads the inscription.)

BUFFY: Early 1800 chumash knife. There's a picture.

WILLOW: What's it look like?

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written by: Jane Espenson; Original English Copyright (c) 1999 Jillian Tatterton Visit the site: http://altern.org/buffyiv.. Full transcript at:
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