Doyle: I wasn't exactly the man she married.
from The Bachelor Party (Season 1)
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(Cut to Angel's apartment. Angel is sets two glasses on the table and pours a shot, Doyle puts his hand over the second glass. )


DOYLE: Harry is right. This does me no good.

ANGEL: So, you two hadn't been in touch at all since you split up?

DOYLE: Oh, the end was rough. We weren't even twenty when we got married. Crazy about each other. And when things go wrong and you're young like that, you don't just say 'Hey, thanks for the blender, I wish you well'. You fight. You tear each other apart until one of you can't take it. Oh, she did the walking. But she had reason. I wasn't exactly the man she married. I changed.

ANGEL: Oh, you shouldn't blame yourself for that. I mean, you were kids. It's only natural...

DOYLE: What, the sneeze and sprout demon face? That's decidedly *un*natural, my friend.

ANGEL: You didn't tell her before you got married?

DOYLE: I didn't know. I never met my dad. He was the demon. And my mom, well, she figured she'd wait to see if I'd got his genes before she got all confessional.

ANGEL: So your demon self didn't present...

DOYLE: Until I was 21, and Harry and I, were talking about having kids of our own. Huh, put a damper on the discussion, you can imagine.

ANGEL: That's tough. I'm sorry.

DOYLE: It's probably best in the long run. I'm too much of a wild man to be the stay-at-home type anyway, you know? Hey, this Richard, you know, he looks like he'd give her a good life.

ANGEL: Yeah.

DOYLE: Seems like a nice - friendly fellow, don't you think?

ANGEL: Definitely friendly, only - he seemed a bit...

DOYLE: Exactly! I knew he was no good! And even though we're ex, I mean, it's still my duty to watch over her, right? But I can't go trailing after her intended myself. I mean, it just wouldn't look right. Angel, you think you would...

ANGEL: Yeah. Just don't tell Cordelia. She'll wanna charge you.

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written by: Tracey Stern; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Ann.. Full transcript at:
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