Parker: Buffy, what do we do?
from Beer Bad (Season 4)
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(Buffy arrives at the pub. She can't remember what to do with the fire-estinguisher, but she sees Willow and jumps over some flames to get to her. Xander arrives.)

XANDER: Buffy?!

(Xander runs back outside because there is too much smoke)

XANDER: Where the hell is Giles?

(Cut to Giles talking to a student)

GILES: Blonde. Um, about this tall. Walks with a sort of a sideways limp.

(Cut back to the pub.)


BUFFY: Bad. Bad.

(She sees a window, climbs up into the rafters to get to it, busts it open. The Neanderthalls start piling furniture up to the window and climb out. So do the girls. Buffy drags Willow up an dout.

XANDER: Are you alright?

WILLOW: Buffy's still in there.

(Back inside Buffy sees Parker. He's awake and coughing.)

PARKER: Oh God. Help me. I can't breathe. Buffy. Oh god, what do we do?

(Buffy clubs him over the head with a stick. Then she grabs his arm.)

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written by: Tracey Forbes; Transcribed by Lilybunny ( Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 14

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