Eve: I don't know what it is, exactly, but the failsafe is huge and alive... and specifically designed to destroy you.
from You're Welcome (Season 5)
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captures from this scene

ANGEL: We've got a problem, Eve.

EVE: Damn right, you do. When I tell the partners you assaulted me—

ANGEL: A couple weeks ago, a man approached Spike. Told him that the powers that be have some missions for him. Spike, braintrust that he is, went along with it.

SPIKE: (insulted) Hey!

ANGEL: He's the one who told Spike to save me from the parasite. The parasite you put on me in the first place.

EVE: Not this again. (she starts to stand)

CORDELIA: Get out of that chair and I will feed you those Manolo Blahniks. (looks at Eve's shoes) Which are stunning, by the way.

ANGEL: Seems to me like you and this guy are working together.

EVE: Look, I don't know what you're talking about. But you can't keep me here. I have to leave.

ANGEL: But the thing that really, really pisses me off is that this guy seems to be going by the name of Doyle.

EVE: Doesn't ring a bell.

CORDELIA: It does to me. (yelling in Eve's face) It rings a big fricking gong, and I wanna know who has the nerve to be using that name.

ANGEL: I'm gonna give you one chance to tell me where he is.

EVE: Look, I don't know what—

HARMONY: (enters) Excuse me, boss?

ANGEL: Not now, Harmony.

HARMONY: OK, but do I get the afternoon off, too?

ANGEL: What are you talking about?

HARMONY: Everybody's gone. The whole building cleared out a few minutes ago.

ANGEL: What's going on, Eve?


GUNN: I checked the server. A message went out. Code 7, right before the building emptied.

ANGEL: What's a code 7, Eve?

EVE: I don't know. Seriously.

CORDELIA: OK, this is getting us nowhere. Angel, torture her.

ANGEL: What?

EVE: What?

CORDELIA: You heard me. Building clearing out means we don't have a lot of time. Have at it.

ANGEL: I can't just... torture her.

FRED: He's right, Cordy. If we sink to their level—

(Harmony launches herself at Eve)

ANGEL: Harmony!

HARMONY: Is this OK? (shrugs) I mean, I am evil, technically. I don't mind torturing her for the team.

ANGEL: Yeah. OK.

(she punches Eve in the face)

HARMONY: Come on, you hussy! Spill it!

EVE: OK. OK. Stop. It's a fail-safe. They built a fail-safe—

(Harmony punches Eve in the face again, harder this time. )

ANGEL: Harmony, she's talking!

HARMONY: She is? Already? Well, that sucks.

EVE: Look, the senior partners were never certain they could keep you under their thumb, so they created a fail-safe. Housed it in the sub-levels of the building.

FRED: What kind of fail-safe?

EVE: I don't know what it is, exactly, but it's huge and alive... and specifically designed to destroy you.

ANGEL: How can I stop it?

EVE: The only way to shut it down's in the chamber itself.

FRED: Well, if that's true, then who activated it in the first place?

GUNN: You were with us when the building cleared out.

WESLEY: Had to be someone else. Someone with the ability to slip past Wolfram & Hart security systems.

LORNE: Like our magically tattooed faux Doyle.

ANGEL: Spike, I don't wanna go in blind. Anything else you know about this guy?

SPIKE: Not much. Average size. Dressed like an urban cowboy. Got his hand chopped off once.

CORDELIA: His hand?

WESLEY: He's back.

ANGEL: Lindsey.

FRED: Who?

ANGEL: Lock the building down, make sure he can't get out. Don't trust security systems. He won't show up because of those tattoos of his.

WESLEY: There could be a way to fix that. I'll need some help.

LORNE: My dance card's free.

FRED: (to Angel) Who is Lindsey?

CORDELIA: A lawyer. Wolfram & Hart's former golden boy, till he ran off to go find himself.

ANGEL: Yeah, he should've stayed lost. Harmony, guard Eve. She moves, eat her.

HARMONY: Really? Thanks!

FRED: Angel, you're not going down there alone.

ANGEL: The fail-safe's meant for me. I'm not gonna risk anybody I care about.

SPIKE: I'll go.

ANGEL: (too quick) OK. (to Fred and Cordelia) Be ready to evacuate. If this thing gets past me, get the hell out of the building.

CORDELIA: Past us.

ANGEL: No, no. Cordy—

(she grabs a samurai sword off the wall behind Angel's desk)

CORDELIA: Yeah, save it, Angel. You can order me around all you want, but I know my rights. And I wanna see a lawyer.

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written by: David Fury; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
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