Angel: Hi Gwen! Let's go do that super-hero thing.
from Long Day's Journey (Season 4)
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ANGEL: The Powers are sending us a wake-up call, people. Sure, we've been—I don't want to say demolished—beaten. And sure, it's slightly...demoralizing. But from here on out, we're on the offensive. We're gonna find out this thing's weaknesses, we're gonna go in prepared, and we're gonna fight smart. It's time to take down the Beast.

FRED: Uh, we're all behind you, Angel, a hundred percent, but how can we be prepared when there's nothing on this thing.

LORNE: And weaknesses? It's not a sure bet El Destructo has any.

ANGEL: Everyone has an Achilles' heel.

GUNN: Yeah, but until we find his, we're gonna be coolin' ours, 'cause we got nothing without a new lead.

(Everyone stops and looks at the front door where Gwen Raiden has just entered.)

ANGEL: Gwen.

GWEN: Hi there. Long time, no hand-to-hand. (walks into the lobby, to Gunn) I remember you.

FRED: (steps in front of him protectively) That guy you killed? Yeah, that's him.

GWEN: Kicked you in the face, too, didn't I, cherry? Sorry 'bout that. I really do try to avoid contact. (glances at Angel) Mostly.

ANGEL: (enjoying Cordy's jealousy) Cordelia, this is—

CORDELIA: I know who she is. (to Gwen) Caught your little show on the omniscient higher plane channel. Thanks.

GWEN: (to Cordy) So, you're the girl who makes his heart go pitter-pat. (grins) Figuratively, at least. (to Angel) You must be so happy.

ANGEL: I am not having the best week, to be honest.

GWEN: Tell me about it. I mean, really, tell me. Freak to freak. Is the world about to end, or what?

ANGEL: Something happen to you?

GWEN: Met with a client last night in the oil fields, which is odd, 'cause I bagged for this guy six years—big money—and he never wanted to meet before.

CORDELIA: Fascinating as these details must seem to you, we're dealing with much more important stuff right now. Apocalypse. End of the world.

GWEN: Also, while we were talking, he, um, got his chest punched out a big demon with a head made of rock. Demon, OK? The whole nine—cloven feet and horns and teeth— (sees Lorne) He wasn't wearing lame though.

LORNE: Yeah, the evil ones can't pull it off. It gets camp.

WESLEY: This client of yours, was anything removed from the body?

GWEN: Didn't see. (to Angel) But you are, hands down, the weirdest person I know, so I figured I'd ask you what's going on.

FRED: Um, excuse me—not that I don't still bear a grudge against you, because I do—but your client didn't happen to be a skinless saber-tooth tiger or composed entirely of light, maybe?

GWEN: Light came out of his chest. How did you know?

GUNN: You wanted a pattern. That makes three.

FRED: He's killing the Ra-tet.

GWEN: What's a Ra-tet?

WESLEY: A mystical order. Each totem representing a stage in Ra's journey across the sky. (points to diagram in the book) Here's your client. Two others—these—are dead.

CORDELIA: That means there's two totems left: Manjet and Semkhet.

FRED: The last sighting of Majet was rumored two years ago in Belize, and Semkhet is said to live in a cave in Death Valley.

ANGEL: Then that's easy. All we have to do is find Semkhet and... protect him.

LORNE: Yeah, well, won't that be a hoot. Looks like Semkhet is puddy-tat to the world's scariest six-year-old. (shows a drawing of Mesektet with her arm around a huge cat)

CORDELIA: It could be dangerous.

ANGEL: I'll take Gwen.

GWEN: Gee, I feel all warm inside.

CORDELIA: Well, shouldn't we all go? It might—

ANGEL: We can handle it. Super powers. I'll catch her up on the drive.

(puts his arm around Gwen's waist and escorts her toward the door)

CORDELIA: It's a four hour trip, both ways.

ANGEL: I'm sure we'll find... (gives an exaggerated shrug) something to talk about.

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written by: Mere Smith; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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