Cordy in Wonderland
from Over the Rainbow (Season 2)
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(In Pylea, Cordy gets up and brushes herself off.)

CORDELIA: Angel? - Wesley! - Mr. Green-Mojo-Guy's cousin? -(Screams) Help!! (Slaps a hand over her mouth.) Right. Good one, Cor. Scream *very* loudly so the hellbeasts come to you. (Takes a deep breath then clicks her heels together three times. Nothing happens.) Worth a shot. So. Silver lining. - It's kind of a pretty place - when you look at it: woodsy woods, sunny and mild...

(Spots a creature on a rock looking at her and growling.)

CORDELIA: Giant hairy hellbeast staring at me. That's - that's incredibly frightening. Good hellbeast. You're a lazy hellbeast, aren't you? Yes. You're gonna stay right there while I run for my life.

(She flees. It chases.)

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written by: Mere Smith; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Sylvia.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 16

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