Angel: Unlike at your party, in hell you tend to know a lot of the people... from She (Season 1) | Next Clip in Episode |
CORDELIA: Hi, Diego, Laura.
DIEGO: Let the consumption of cold things begin.
CORDELIA: Excellent. Now, are you gonna behave yourself?
DIEGO: Have you ever seen me at a party? (dances away)
CORDELIA: Hi! You having fun?
ANGEL: Sure. This is, um...
CORDELIA: Your idea of hell.
ANGEL: Actually in hell you tend to know a lot of the people. No, I'm having a great time.
CORDELIA: Yeah? Can I get you some blood or anything?
ANGEL: I'm good.
CORDELIA: Okay. Steve Paymer came, can you believe it? David Paymer's brother, Steve? (She thrusts the half-empty bag of ice at him and walks off) Steve!
(Wesley falls doing a dance move, then gets up and dances over to Angel. He gets ice out of the bowl.)
WESLEY: Whoo! I need to cool off. Cordelia certainly knows how to throw a do. These Mini-Reubens, with a little sauerkraut and a little swiss inside, what mad genius brought these into the world? (He eats one) Mmm. What say a couple of brooding demon hunters start chatting up some of the fillies?
GIRL: Hey. (Wesley chokes on his Reuben and starts coughing) Nice sweater. Hand knit?
WESLEY: Certainly not by me.
GIRL: I didn't mean...I meant, it's a great sweater.
WESLEY: Oh, well, I-I'll pass that on then--to the person who knit it. I-I mean, I would, if I knew who did--but I don't. So I won't pass it on to anyone, will I?
GIRL: Bye. (She walks away)
CORDELIA: Diego, pants on!
LAURA: So with my Masters degree in Fine Arts, I was able to launch my very own business--selling sandwiches downtown from a little cart.
LAURA: Yeah. I do see a lot of stuff on the job. So I tell myself that I'm honing my eye.
ANGEL: Makes sense. (Laura starts to dance to a new song)
LAURA: Oh, I *love* this! Would to dance?
(Angel imagines himself dancing like an idiot while Laura looks incredulously at him. Cut back to reality.)
ANGEL: I don't dance.
(Laura walks off and Angel goes into Cordelia's empty kitchen. The chair by the table moves out by itself.)
ANGEL: Hi Dennis. How you doing?
(A can of beer floats out of the bowl of ice on the kitchen table)
ANGEL: Still dead?
(The can pops open and slides into Angel's hand; he picks it up and takes a drink)
ANGEL: I know the feeling.
written by: David Greenwalt and Marti Noxon; Original transcript by anonymous. Edited & formatted for this site by M'lyn. Checked against source by M'lyn and myself.. Full transcript at: