Laryngitis epidemic
from Hush (Season 4)
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(Xander snaps his fingers repeatedly and turns up the sound on the tv.)

TV News: Big news item from Sunnydale California Apparently the entire town has been quarantined due to an epidemic of, as strange at this may sound, Laryngitis. it seems the town has been rendered unable to speak there's no word yet what might have caused this or what other effects might be seen from this epidemic local authorities has issued a statement, a written statement, I should say, blaming recent flu vacinations. A few skeptics call it a city wide hoax In the meanwhile Sunnydale has effectively shut down all schools and businesses will be closed for the time being and residents are advised to stay home and rest up centers for disease control have ordered the entire town quarantined. no one can go in or out until the syndrome is identified or the symptoms disappear. We'll bring you more on that as it develops.

(During this Olivia is drinking a hard liquor.)

Xander --that's it?--

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written by: Joss Whedon; corrections made & some descriptions added based on the shooting script at Full transcript at:;
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 15

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