There's no place like ... where you hear bad news
from There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb (Season 2)

(Angel's convertible comes barreling through a portal, the whole gang aboard, all of them screaming. Into the *interior* of a deserted Caritas. It crashes through
tables, wrecks the place, comes to a stop.)

LORNE: You know I've been thinking about remodeling the bar. - Who's up for a nightcap?

(Segue to the Hyperion, night. Cordy, Fred and the guys are entering the garden court.)

FRED: Are-are you sure about that?

CORDELIA: Trust me. Tacos everywhere - and - soap!

GUNN: Yo, that portal jumping is a fun ride. We sell it to a theme park we could get paid!

(Angel pushes to the front as the get to the doors leading into the hotel itself.)

ANGEL: Okay. Can I say it? I wanna say it.

WESLEY: Say what?

ANGEL: There's no place like...

(Trails off as he sees Willow sitting hunched up on one of the chairs in the lobby. Angel's smile vanishes as Willow looks up at him.)

ANGEL: Willow?

CORDELIA: What's..?

(Willow slowly gets up, never taking her eyes off Angel.)

ANGEL: It's Buffy.

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written by: David Greenwalt; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Sylvia.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 38

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