Scoobies organize
from Enemies (Season 3)
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WESLEY: Our enemy has us at a disadvantage. We seem to be consistently one step behind him. Now he has the Books of Ascenscion. We must take definitive action.

CORDELIA: You have the greatest voice. Have you ever thought about doing books on tape?

XANDER: Way to focus CC.

WESLEY: Yes, let's, uh, let's try to stay on track. We need everyone working together here. Where's Angel?

BUFFY: I don't know. I went to the mansion but he wasn't there.

WESLEY: And Faith?

BUFFY: She's missing too.

WILLOW: Which means nothing. Two unconnected events.

BUFFY: What should we do?

GILES: Buffy, I think you should try to retrieve the Books of Ascenscion. Check out the Mayor's office but be damned careful. Do not confront the Mayor. We don't know a thing about him.

BUFFY: I'll go home and stock up on weapons. Slip into something a little more break-and-enterish.

GILES: Right. Willow, how far did you get with the Mayor's files?

CORDELIA: Excuse me, I believe Wesley is running this meeting.

WESLEY: It's, uh, it's quite alright. Willow?

WILLOW: It's all bad news. By the time I got through the encryptions, the files were empty. Guess he saw me coming.

OZ: What about the Hall of Records? Go to the source.

WESLEY: Good idea. There must be information on the Mayor there.

GILES: Wesley, why don't you take the group and start looking?

WESLEY: Right.

CORDELIA: (pops up) I'm in Wesley's group.

GILES: There is just the one group.

CORDELIA: Yes! And I am in it.

XANDER: Anyone mind if I skip the trip? I'm gonna cruise town, keep my ear to the ground, and I think five's a crowd.

CORDELIA: It really is.

OZ: I'll drive.

WILLOW: (proud of Oz) They liked your plan.

GILES: Anyone finds anything, check in with me. (to Buffy) Be careful.

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written by: Douglas Petrie; . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 22

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