Jenny: Something's going on, apocalypse stuff
from Prophecy Girl (Season 1)
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JENNY: You know, that outfit looks just like the one you wore yesterday. Only wrinklier. Were you here all night?

GILES: Sorry, uh... I'm not really up to, uh, socializing just now.

JENNY: Something's going on, Rupert, and I'm guessing you already know what it is.

GILES: What do you know?

JENNY: Well, I have been surfing the 'Net, looking for unexplained incidents. You know, people are always sending stuff my way. They know the occult's my turf. Now, here is the latest. A cat last week gave birth to a litter of snakes. A family was swimming in Whisper Lake when the lake suddenly began to boil. And Mercy Hospital last night, a boy was born with his eyes facing inward. I'm not stupid. This is apocalypse stuff. And throw in last night's earthquake, and I'd say we've got a problem. I would say the end is pretty seriously nigh.

GILES: I don't know if I can trust you.

JENNY: I helped you cast that demon out of the Internet. I think that merits some trust. Look, I'm scared, okay? Oh, plus, I've got this, this crazy monk e-mailing me from Cortona about some Anointed One?

GILES: The Anointed One? He's dead!

JENNY: Someone's dead?

GILES: Uh, who is this monk?

JENNY: Uh, a brother Luca something? Keeps sending out global mailings about a prophecy.

GILES: I need you to talk to him, find out everything he knows.

JENNY: Look, Rupert, you haven't told me jack, so what's with the order?

GILES: Just do it! I'll e-explain later.

JENNY: You better.

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written by: Joss Whedon; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 28

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