Buffy to Riley: I never wanna go back
from Where the Wild Things Are (Season 4)
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(Tara walks up, touches Willow's arm.)

WILLOW: Tara, how are you?

TARA: I'm okay, but ... I, I don't like it here. This house ... I, I think we should go.

(Willow nods. Xander looks over as there's more laughter from the bottle game. Closeup on the bottle spinning. Instead of slowing down it gets faster and faster. The players look puzzled. Suddenly the bottle explodes. People yell as broken glass sprays at them.)

WILLOW: We need Buffy.

(She and Xander run off. Tara follows. They run upstairs.)

XANDER: (yells) Buffy?

WILLOW: (yells) Buffy? Riley?

(They pound on the door. No answer. Suddenly, sharp-looking spiny thorns, with green leaves, sprout from the cracks around the edges of the door. Willow and Xander jump back.)

XANDER: Buffy!

(Long shot of Buffy and Riley in bed, smooching and writhing. We hear panting and moaning, which echoes, and faintly we can hear Xander still pounding and yelling Buffy's name. The bed recedes until it's just a small square in the middle of the screen, with blackness all around.)

(Commercial. Long shot of the bed as a tiny square in the middle of a black screen.)

RILEY: Do you wanna go back?

BUFFY: Never.

(Cut to Xander still pounding on the door.)

WILLOW: Buffy! Riley!

XANDER: Buffy! We gotta get them outta there.

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written by: Tracey Forbes; Transcript by joan the english chick (pisces@englishchick.com). Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 25

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