Kate walks into the hornet's nest
from Lonely Hearts (Season 1)
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BARTENDER: Kate. The usual?

(Kate pulls out her badge and shows it to him.)

BARTENDER: That's not your usual.

KATE: Every now and then I'm in the mood for something different. Look, you remember that guy that was in here the other night? He was tall, nice-looking, helped you out in the bar fight the other night?

BARTENDER: Sure, sure.

KATE: Let me know as soon as he comes in, okay?

BARTENDER: Yeah, you bet.

KATE: Thanks.

GUY: God I hate places like this, don't you?

KATE: I do, but, um...

GUY: I kind of guessed that. You really don't look like you are in your element here. Which is a compliment, by the way.

KATE: Thanks. Um, Look I'd really love to chat, but actually I'm waiting for someone.

BARTENDER: That guy you you're looking for? I think he's out in the alley.

KATE: What is he doing there?

BARTENDER: I was just taking out some trash and there he was. Looked like he was ready to rabbit.

KATE: Show me. (To the guy) Sorry, I guess you have to keep trolling.

(Kate and the bartender exit a back door. Kate has her gun out, and hands the bartender a card without looking at him.)

KATE: Call this number, tell the sergeant that I need back--

(The bartender hits her over the head, knocking her unconscious. He pulls up her jacket, and after a quick look around, rips her t-shirt down the middle. The parasite appears in the middle of his chest and lunges towards Kate's back. Before it can make contact, the bartender is thrown back by a board to his head. He drops Kate, and the parasite retracts, leaving a mark on the bartender's chest.)

ANGEL: Kate! Kate? Can you move?


ANGEL: Move!

(Angel pulls Kate out of the way just as the bartender slams a keg down. They fight briefly, and Angel stares at the flap of skin hanging lose from the bartender's forehead where it got hit by the board.)

ANGEL: I guess you're done with that body.

ANGEL: You stop being a guy. You don't get to finish, you just come apart at the seams.

(They fight. The bartender tosses Angel into a storage room, and Kate after him. While Angel tries to cushion their fall, the bartender closes the door.)

KATE: We can't let him get away.

ANGEL: He's not going to leave. He's going to kill again, now.

KATE: You think so?

ANGEL: He has to.


(Angel helps Kate to her feet.)

KATE: Now what?


ANGEL: We are going out that window.

KATE: It's almost 30 feet up.

(ANGEL pulls out a grappling gun and fires it at a beam next to the window)

KATE: Who are you?

(Angel gives the rope a good pull and the beam comes crashing down. They look at each other, then Kate bends down and pulls a gun out of her boot. She shoots the lock off the window, and they hurry out.)

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written by: David Fury; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited, formatted and checked by M'lyn.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 21

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