Cordelia: you saved me Wesley! from Doppelgängland (Season 3) | Next Clip in Episode |
Evil WILLOW: No more hiding.
Cordelia backs away as she advances. Suddenly Wesley jumps out and brandishes his cross in her face.
WESLEY: Back! Creature of the night! Leave this place!
Evil WILLOW: Don't wanna.
Wesley quickly but nervously reaches into his jacket and pulls out a vial of holy water. Evil Willow sighs. He holds it up, threatening to throw it on her.
Evil WILLOW: (sighs heavily) Whatever.
She turns and leaves. Wesley slowly relaxes, heaving a sigh of relief and lowering the cross and the vial. Cordelia walks up behind him and lightly touches him on the shoulder. He freaks out, screams and spins around, thrusting the cross and holy water right into Cordelia's face. He lowers them when he recognizes her, and tries to catch his breath.
CORDELIA: (whines apologetically) I'm sorry.
WESLEY: No, no. A little on edge. You know, men in combat. Grr. Are you all right?
CORDELIA: You saved my life. Thank you!
WESLEY: Oh, yes. Uh... Yes. Was that...?
CORDELIA: Willow. They got Willow. (brightly) So, are you doing anything tonight?
written by: Joss Whedon; . Full transcript at: