Xander: impressive knowledge of reading
from Where the Wild Things Are (Season 4)
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(The Snobby Guy from Beer Bad is talking to a girl.)

SNOB: See, the thing that they're afraid to teach us about is the inherent sensuality of language. I mean, you, you learn French and they make it all about conjugations and, uh, fronted vowels ... but nobody really talks about ... you know, the way language tastes, you know, the, the way it feels, rolling over your tongue. I mean, just think about car versus voiture.

(He leans his hand on the wall, makes a startled face)


(The girl looks puzzled. He stares at the wall. Shot of his hand on the wall.)

SNOB: Wow. (Nervous chuckle)

GIRL: Are you all right?

SNOB: Fine! I - oh!

(Gasps. The girl looks concerned.)

SNOB: Oh my god. Wow, wow. (Chuckle)

GIRL: So you really like French, huh?

SNOB: Yeah, well... (satisfied smile and sigh)

(Cut to Xander walking through the crowds. He walks up to a girl (Julie) who's looking at a cabinet of trophies.)

XANDER: (reading trophy inscription) "Lowell house. 1962."


XANDER: Um, just, you know, impressing you with my knowledge of local history. Or my knowledge of reading.

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written by: Tracey Forbes; Transcript by joan the english chick (pisces@englishchick.com). Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 28

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