Willow to Amy: you better stay away from me
from Doublemeat Palace (Season 6)
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AMY: (cheerful) Hey.


AMY: Can I come in? My new place isn't set up, and I wanted to borrow some stuff like detergent.

WILLOW: You really can't.

AMY: I can't borrow detergent? Well, when they start calling me 'stinky Amy,' I'm just gonna say, 'hey, not my fault...'

WILLOW: I can't spend time with you anymore.

AMY: What?

WILLOW: You can't come in here again.

AMY: What's up, y-you didn't like your birthday present?

WILLOW: That's right.

AMY: You're telling me that you didn't have a genuine blast? Come on, that was a sweet spell. That was like a trip to Disneyland without the lines.

WILLOW: You don't get it. What you did to me was wrong. Do you have any idea how much harder that makes, just, everything?

AMY: You know what I notice? You're not denying that you had fun.

WILLOW: Shut up.

AMY: Oh, yeah. Sharp argument you got there. Were you on the debate team? I forget. I forgot a lot while you were failing to make me be not a rat.

WILLOW: Amy. If you really are my friend ... you better stay away from me. And if you really aren't... (meaningfully) ...you *better* stay away from me.

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written by: Jane Espenson; transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com).. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 15

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