Spike: can't shut me out!
from Crush (Season 5)

(With Dru and Harmony gone, Buffy turns to Spike. He waits for her to say something. instead she punches him in the face and he goes flying backward into the Buffy Shrine. Cut to a few minutes later; Buffy is walking angrily home, and Spike is running to catch up with her.)


SPIKE: Buffy! Come on now, stop. You can't just walk away from this.

BUFFY: What part of punching you in the face do you not understand?

SPIKE: So we had a fight. It's not our first, love, and it doesn't change anything.

BUFFY: It changes everything, Spike! I want you out. I want you out of this town, I want you off this planet! You don't come near me, my friends, or my family again ever! Understand?

SPIKE: No, it's not that easy. We have something, Buffy. It's not pretty, but it's real, and there's nothing either one of us can do about it. Like it or not, I'm in your life, you can't just shut me out.

(He stops suddenly at the doorway as an invisible force prevents him from entering. Buffy stands inside the threshhold glaring. He's confused, not understanding yet what she had Willow do. She slams the door in his face.)

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written by: David Fury; Transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com).. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 56

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