eating the technicolor food of strongness?
from Superstar (Season 4)
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(Riley's room. Riley is shooting baskets through a toy hoop.)

BUFFY: You must be feeling better.

RILEY: Yeah yeah. I'm a lot stronger. I'm no Jonathan but I'm doing ok.

BUFFY: Are you? I mean you're not...

RILEY: What?

BUFFY: Eating the Initiatives' technicolor food of strongness.

RILEY: No, un unnh. They, uh, they swear they've stopping treating the food but I'm not taking the chance. You know I uh, I don't know if that means I'll get weaker or dumber.. or smarter

BUFFY: They're not big with the disclosure, hunh?

RILEY: They still haven't released a full profile on Adam. And we're having zero luck tracking him. I just... If they'd just put a little trust in me I know I could get the job done.

BUFFY: I've felt that way my entire life.

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written by: Jane Espenson; Transcribed by Corwin2. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 21

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