Buffy: not leaving Riley down there
from This Year's Girl (Season 4)
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WILLOW: What's first?

BUFFY: Riley. I'm not leaving him down there with the people that created this thing. I don't care how many guns they have, I'm going in. Okay. Will, I need you to hack into their security mainframe and buy me a ten minute shut down of operation systems.

WILLOW: That could be...

BUFFY: Tricky. Not impossible. If you can't do it online, then use magic. Xander, any gear you've been saving for a rainy day, I want you to give to me.

XANDER: You want stealth stuff?

BUFFY: No, we tried sneaking in. This time, we're gonna use force. I figure I'll go in through the elevator shaft, use the cable as towlines. Then blast open the facility doors and find the infirmary.

RILEY: Am I really worth all that?

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written by: Douglas Petrie; . Full transcript at:
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