Anya: share the joy of our groove thing
from Dead Things (Season 6)
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(Xander & Anya enthusiastically swing dance at the Bronze)

WILLOW: What are they doing? We're not going to have to do that at the wedding, are we? 'Cause there's this last thread of dignity I've been desperately clinging to.

BUFFY: You're still doing okay, right?

WILLOW: Yeah. You know. Some days are harder than the really hard days. It's easier like this, though, when I'm not alone.

BUFFY: (contrite) I'm sorry I haven't been around that much.

WILLOW: No, that's not -- it's okay. We know you've been all tied up.

BUFFY: What?

WILLOW: With your job, and the slaying.

XANDER: Hey, I see sitting where there should be dancing.

ANYA: Come share in the joy of our groove thang.

WILLOW: And despite that, I succumb to the beat.

BUFFY: I think I'll catch the next Soul Train out.

XANDER: You sure?

BUFFY: Oh, yeah, you know, glass all the way empty. More nectar required.

XANDER: Cool, well, shimmy on out when you're done lubricating.

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written by: Steven S. DeKnight; transcribed by Joan the English Chick ( . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 23

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