Trigger mechanisms and sleeper agents
from Never Leave Me (Season 7)
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BUFFY: He didn't seem to want anything to do with me. I mean, he just pushed me aside and charged at the wall.

WILLOW: Are you hurt?

BUFFY: Not?not really.

DAWN: How is what's his name?

XANDER: He's got a good chunk taken out of his neck, but he'll be all right. Had to tie him up again, but mainly just to keep him from scratching at his bandages. (to Buffy) What the hell happened up there?

BUFFY: I-I don't know. Spike and I were having a conversation, and he was fine. I mean, you know, fine as Spike can be. And then I went to check on you guys, and when I got back, it was like he was a completely different person.

WILLOW: Different like "William the Bloody" type different?

BUFFY: He was talking to someone. I heard through the door, he was having this conversation. And then he started singing.

ANYA: Maybe it's another musical. A much crappier musical.

BUFFY: He?he mentioned something about a song in the cellar. Uh, a-and he changed there, too?I mean instantly became another person.

XANDER: Trigger.

ANYA: The horse?

XANDER: No, in his head. It's a trigger. It's a brainwashing term. It's how the military makes sleeper agents. They-they brainwash operatives and condition them with a specific trigger, like a song, that makes 'em drastically change at a moment's notice.

WILLOW: Is this left over from your days in the Army?

XANDER: No, this is left over from every Army movie I've ever seen. But it makes sense. We've had ghosts or something haunting us, right? Well, what if Spike's ghosts have figured out a way to?not only haunt him?what if they figured out how to?how to control him?

BUFFY: Spike said he's been seeing things since I found him in the basement.

WILLOW: So, he gets his soul back, he starts seeing spooky things, and he goes extra-extra-crazy.

BUFFY: This trigger. How do we holster?safety, or?I don't know guns. How do we make it stop?

XANDER: Well, usually the operative completes his task and either blows his head off or steals a submarine.

BUFFY: All right. I need information. If Spike's a bomb, then I need to know how to diffuse him. (to Dawn and Willow) You two, I wanna know what did this to him. Spirits, ghosts, demons?check the lot of them. Look for anything that could haunt or-or possibly control like this. I need to know exactly what we're dealing with.

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written by: Drew Goddard; Transcribed by: CariCranberry. edited by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 24

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