Spike: from now on, I'm my own man from In the Dark (Season 1) | Next Clip in Episode |
SPIKE: Son of a *bitch*! I do the work, I do the digging, fight off a Slayer, *drive* to LA, hire the help, and what do I get? *royally screwed*, is what! Well, that cinches it. No more partners. From now on, I?m my own man. A lone wolf. Sole survivor. Look out, here comes Spike! The biggest, baddest, mother...
(A beam of sunlight from one of the bullet holes hits the back of his head and his hair ignites. He ducks and puts his hair out with his hands)
SPIKE: I really hope they kill each other.
written by: Douglas Petrie; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked by M'lyn.. Full transcript at: