Connor to Cordy: Why don't you want to tell the others about the baby?
from Release (Season 4)
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CORDELIA: You sure Faith's all right?

CONNOR: Yeah, when Wesley called, he said she was hurt pretty bad, but she's a slayer. They're really strong, right?

CORDELIA: For a human. God, I can't believe Angelus killed the Beast.

CONNOR: He fought dirty.

CORDELIA: Maybe this means we did the right thing, bringing Angelus back.

CONNOR: Right. He's a real hero.

CORDELIA: Connor, Angelus cannot fight his true nature. It's who he is. But by killing the Beast, he's made the world a little safer...for our family. You didn't have that the first time around, but now you will.

CONNOR: I won't ever let anything hurt you—either of you.

CORDELIA: I know you won't, but just remember, this is ours. Nobody else needs to know how lucky we are.

CONNOR: Are you ashamed of me?


CONNOR: Then why don't you want to tell 'em?

CORDELIA: Because they wouldn't understand. Our baby is growing so fast, it would scare them. And that fear might make them want to kill it, like they wanted to kill you. But trust me, Connor. It won't be too long. They're all gonna know what's growing inside of me.

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written by: Steven S. DeKnight & Elizabeth Craft & Sarah Fain; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 19

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