Trish to Lindsey: Hey, hon. Oven light just went out. I need a bulb from the cellar.
from Underneath (Season 5)
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LINDSEY: OK, from the top. The earth's outer layer is called...

ZACK: The crust.

LINDSEY: And what's underneath that?

ZACK: Mmm...the mantle?

LINDSEY: Yup. And under that? Come on. You know this one.

ZACK: The outer core.

LINDSEY: And under that?

ZACK: The inner core.

LINDSEY: And under that?

ZACK: Underneath that... nothing.

LINDSEY: Just the soft, chewy center.

ZACK: Ha ha!

TRISH: Hey, hon. Oven light just went out. I need a bulb from the cellar.

LINDSEY: (avoidy) There should be some in the hall closet.

TRISH: Just regular ones. Little ones are downstairs.

LINDSEY: Well, Zach, uh, Zach was getting ready to fill me in on the lithosphere.

(she walks over to Lindsey, puts her hand on his shoulder insistently)

TRISH: I kinda need it now.

LINDSEY: (nervous) All right. I'll be right back.

(Lindsey stands and walks toward the cellar door, focusing on the doorknob. He puts his hand on the doorknob and hesitates, turning to look at his wife again. She's watching him with a smile.)

TRISH: They're on that shelf, where we keep those thingies.

(Lindsey descends cautiously into the basement)

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written by: Elizabeth Craft & Sarah Fain; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 16

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