Cordy: You're nobody, Angelus. Just a disease.
from Soulless (Season 4)

ANGELUS: Here I thought you'd be halfway to Georgia by now.

CORDELIA: I told you I'd be back. I'm back.

ANGELUS: How'd the little field trip turn out? Priestesses still feisty?

CORDELIA: We found a little boy, his sister, mom, dad, grandma—all dead.

ANGELUS: Oh, God. I'm always missing the fun stuff.

CORDELIA: The Beast butchered them.

ANGELUS: So? Did you bring me back a souvenir? Maybe a stray baby toe? Come on, Cordy. Where's your sense of humor?

CORDELIA: Guess I lost it.

ANGELUS: Well, don't blame me for our little debacle. I told you everything I know.

CORDELIA: Too late.

ANGELUS: And who's fault is that? Doesn't matter. I showed you mine. Now it's time to show me yours.

CORDELIA: The deal was: you give us information, we save the world, you get me. Well, world not saved.

ANGELUS: You're not thinking I'm just gonna let this go.

CORDELIA: Not seeing a whole lot of other options. With the big steel cage and all.

ANGELUS: Won't be in here forever.

CORDELIA: 'Bout another hour. Forgot to tell you the best part. We're putting your soul back.

ANGELUS: Not gonna happen.

CORDELIA: Oh, but it is. Just in time for the primo apocalypse that's coming. Too bad. I know how you love those.

ANGELUS: Been looking forward to it all day. Still am.

CORDELIA: Thing is, you're never coming back. Angel's going to make sure of that.

ANGELUS: We'll see.

CORDELIA: What you don't get, Angelus, is that you're nobody. Just a disease. And Angel can't wait to be rid of you.

ANGELUS: I think I'll start with the twins. I just love a woman with nice ripe thighs.

(he suddenly reaches out to grab Cordy, but she's a tiny bit outside his range)

CORDELIA: (not flinching) Not even close.

ANGELUS: The more you piss me off, the longer I'll keep you alive. Oh, something tells me she's a screamer.


CORDELIA: OK, let's— What?

FRED: Angel's soul. It's gone.

(Pan over to show the empty safe.)

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written by: Elizabeth Craft & Sarah Fain; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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