Wesley: Someone who knows the truth has to live through this. Angel, that's you.
from Sacrifice (Season 4)

DEMON: Little mice. They always soft inside. Wretched little— (the demon takes the sword away from Angel) Time to go dead, mouse. (Wesley charges the demon, but the demon knocks him away) Wait your turn, talky!

(Angel stabs the demon in the neck with it's own severed pincer)

ANGEL: Little soft yourself in there.

DEMON: Devourer...this meat...I give...unto thee. (dies)

WESLEY: Angel, that creature, it came from a world that's worshipped jasmine for millennia, a world that we can reach through this. (holds up the blue sphere)

ANGEL: What?

WESLEY: I think the universe just handed us our first break.


WESLEY: No inscriptions, no markings of any kind, no moving parts, far as I can tell.

ANGEL: So this high priest holds the true name?

WESLEY: Exactly.


ANGEL: What else do we know about him?

WESLEY: I'm just guessing that he's bigger and meaner than our big, mean friend over there.

ANGEL: Wouldn't surprise me. What about— (hears something in the distance) Wes, something's going down.

WESLEY: Something?

ANGEL: Something bad. (frowns) Connor.

(cut to Connor, who suddenly senses Angel's presense)

CONNOR: Angel.

(cut to Jasmine)


(cut to Fred, Gunn an Lorne, running towards Angel)

FRED: Angel!

LORNE: Oh, god, are we dead yet?

ANGEL: (calls out to them) Guys!

(leads them to the lair)

WESLEY: (to himself) No words. No word magic.

FRED: Angel, it's Connor. He's here.

ANGEL: I know.

(shuts the door behind them)

LORNE: And, uh, the National Guard, I think.

FRED: (holding the door shut with the others) Aah! No!

WESLEY: (to himself) No word magic—powerless. Much more power in... blood magic?

(Wesley touches a wound on his head, then touches the bloody fingers to the sphere. The sphere glows and sends out lightning bolts to open a portal nearby.)

WESLEY: Angel, I got it!

ANGEL: (holding the door) Ok, I'll hold this. You guys get going!

WESLEY: No. No! We can't go! Only you!

ANGEL: What are you talking about?

WESLEY: That thing's world, the atmosphere will kill us. (helps hold the door) We can't help there.


WESLEY: Someone who knows the truth has to live through this. Angel, that's you.

ANGEL: I can't.

FRED: Hearts get in the way, right?

(Angel runs toward the portal while the others hold the door shut.)

WESLEY: Angel, wait!

(tosses Angel the sphere. Angel walks into the portal.)

WESLEY: (holding the door) We can't hold it.

GUNN: Time for the big fight scene.

(outside, Connor addresses the mob)

CONNOR: Move aside.


GUNN: Count of 3— 1, 2—

(all out battle. Wounds to the Jasmaniacs end up on Jasmine, but she heals instantly, laughing all the time. Meanwhile, Angel looks around at the shiny matt painting and the vast army of CGI critters approaching him)

ANGEL: Oh, hell.

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written by: Ben Edlund; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me. . Full transcript at:
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