Lorne: You got to figure a guy like you, a place like this, the only truly safe room would be the janitor's closet.
from Dad (Season 3)
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LORNE: Good morning all. (Sniffs) Is that bacon I smell or did somebody fall asleep with the curtains open? (puts his arm around Angel) You got to figure a guy like you, a place like this, the only truly safe room would be the janitor's closet.

ANGEL: Thanks for the tip.

FRED: Were you able to sleep, Lorne, or did you still hear that humming?

LORNE: Oh, I got some earplugs. Put them in and slept like a baby. Cried and wet the bed all night. (He is the only one laughing) Tough room.

GUNN: (arriving with a bag) Mission accomplished. You said you wanted fire power, so...

ANGEL: (peeks in) Good work.

GUNN: Also we got company out front.

ANGEL: Did they see you?

GUNN: Nah. I saw them, kept on going, doubled back and came in through the sewer.

ANGEL: Who are they?

GUNN: Well, two blacked out cars of what I'm betting is more vampire cult. And a biker gang I recognize from back in the day.

ANGEL: Humans?

GUNN: Yeah. Into extortion and kidnapping. There are also some funky fellows in a van I didn't recognize, wearing hooded cloaks.

WESLEY: (arriving) Lilliad demons. Their fun is making a magical broth from the bones of human children (To Cordy who is about to add them to the white board) That's two 'L's' in the middle. They probably want to find out how the child born of a vampire effects the recipe. They use strong magic. They may be able to break the furies spell.

ANGEL: What are they waiting for?

WESLEY: Night. Their power is linked directly to the lunar cycle.

CORDELIA: So, we're safe for now, but when the moon rises...

FRED: And tonight's a full moon.

GUNN: No matter what kind of weapons we have, we're not gonna be able to fight off the whole world, once that force field comes down.

WESLEY: I don't see that we have a choice.

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written by: David H. Goodman; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 22

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