Buffy: Hosting a foreign exchange student is the Ueber-suck
from Inca Mumy Girl (Season 2)
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BUFFY: This is so unfair.

WILLOW: I don't think it's that bad.

BUFFY: It's the Ueber-suck. Mom could've at least warned me.

XANDER: Well, a lot of parents are doing it this year. It's part of this whole cultural exchange magilla. The exhibit, the dance...

WILLOW: I have the best costume for the dance!

BUFFY: A complete stranger in my house for two weeks. I'm gonna be insane! A danger to myself and others within three days, I swear.

XANDER: I think the exchange student program's cool. I do! It's a beautiful melding of two cultures.

BUFFY: Have you ever done an exchange program?

XANDER: My dad tried to send me to some Armenians once. Does that count?

CORDELIA: Ooo! There's mine! Sven. Isn't he lunchable? Mine's definitely the best.

BUFFY: What're you lookin' at?

CORDELIA: Pictures of our exchange students. Look. 100% Swedish, 100% gorgeous, 100% staying at my house! So, how's yours? Visually, I mean.

BUFFY: I don't know. Guy like?

XANDER: By guy-like we are talking big, beefy, guy-like girl, right?

BUFFY: I was just told 'guy'.

CORDELIA: You didn't look at him first? He could be dogly. You live on the edge. (walks off)

XANDER: Hold on a sec. So, this person who's living with you for two weeks is a man. With man parts. This is a terrible idea.

WILLOW: What about the beautiful melding of two cultures?

XANDER: There's no melding, okay? He better keep his parts to himself.

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written by: Matt Kiene & Joe Reinkemeyer; . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 24

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