zombies attack
from Habeas Corpses (Season 4)
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WESLEY: That's odd.

(Pan down to show his flashlight shining on empty floor space where the was a body a moment ago.)

FRED: What is?

GUNN: Shouldn't Angel be swooping in any minute now?

(Zombies attack)

FRED: Charles!

GUNN: (calls out) Wesley, come on!

(Wesley follows them into the office, and they shut the door behind them, bracing it)

GUNN: What the hell was that?

WESLEY: Zombies.

GUNN: Yeah, thanks for the newsflash, Captain Obvious. (goes to try another door) It's locked.

FRED: Charles, you're bleeding.

GUNN: Zombie broad tried to snack on me.

WESLEY: She bit you?

GUNN: (concerned) You worried I'm gonna turn into one of those mindless meatbags?

WESLEY: No, I don't think it works that way here.

GUNN: Good to know, but if it is, don't let me be one for long.

WESLEY: You'll do the same for me?

GUNN: (too eagerly) Oh yeah. (Wes rolls his eyes, the moment ruined)

FRED: (jiggles the handle to the other door, but it doesn't budge) Dammit! (beats at it until it breaks) Got it! Come on!

WESLEY: Gunn...?

GUNN: (to Wesley) Get her out of here!

FRED: Charles!


(The door closes, separating Fred and Wesley from Gunn and the zombies.)


FRED: We gotta go back for Charles!

WESLEY: Not an option. We need to get you to safety.

FRED: Now what?

WESLEY: We wait, then we fight.

FRED: Why are they doing this?

WESLEY: I don't know. Perhaps its some building lockdown protocol. Or some security voodoo.

FRED: You don't think it's something the big beast can do, do you? Reanimate the dead?

WESLEY: Anything's possible. All I know for sure is that he wants us dead.

(Something breaks through the barricaded door. )

FRED: (screams, startled) Aah!

GUNN: Fred? (comes into the office)

FRED: (goes to his side) Charles.

GUNN: Zombies my ass.

(Angel and Connor bust in through the other door. )

FRED: Connor.

ANGEL: We got what we came for. Let's go. Wes?

WESLEY: Only two exits I know of. Third floor and lobby.

FRED: That's too far.

CONNOR: We can make it.

ANGEL: Not all of us. Too many dead men walking. All right, look, there is one other way. The white room. It's an inter-dimensional space here in Wolfram and Hart.

GUNN: Sounds kinda portaly.

ANGEL: Not exactly. More like a gateway. And there's a little girl there. Or something old and evil that likes to pretend she's a little girl.

CONNOR: You've seen her?

ANGEL: I met her once when I was trying to find you. She might be able to help us.

GUNN: So, fight seven floors of evil lawyer zombies or sweet talk a nasty little girl? You know where my heart's at.

FRED: Yeah, I gotta disagree. I vote for the white room. How do we get there.

ANGEL: Gonna need your help.

(gets Fred into the elevator)

ANGEL: (to Fred) Do what you can.

(the rest fend off Zombies while Fred works)

ANGEL: Fred!

FRED: (out loud) Working on it! (to herself) Come on, Fred, think. Bypass switch for a shutdown command.

ANGEL: Come on, Fred.

FRED: Angel!

ANGEL: Guys, let's go.

WESLEY: You remember the code?

ANGEL: Hello, photographic memory.

(Presses the elevator buttons for different floors. 18-23-20... Connor and Gunn get into the elevator. ...28-27. Nothing happens.)

ANGEL: (to the elevator) What?

CONNOR: Maybe you forgot.

ANGEL: I didn't forget. Lemme try again. (Presses elevator buttons again: 18-23-20-28-27)

GUNN: (looking out into the approaching crowd of zombies) That's Gavin. I know that guy. Hold up. (steps out of the elevator to cut off Gavin's head with the axe, returns to the elevator) I hate seeing someone I know like that, even someone I know I hate.

WESLEY: No time like the present, Angel.

(The elevator doors close and another button magically appears above the regular elevator buttons.)

ANGEL: Here's hoping she's in a good mood. (presses the new button)

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written by: Jeffrey Bell; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 22

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