Spike: What, you never heard of Knight Rider? The Knight Industries 2000? K.I.T.T.? Never mind.
from Underneath (Season 5)
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GUNN: Started flipping through the brain files soon as Harmony told me. Figured there had to be some kind of precedent.


GUNN: Senior partners had trouble with a guy in the Tokyo division way back. Lindsey probably got the tattoo idea from studying up on him.

ANGEL: And wherever they sent this guy, that's where Lindsey is.

GUNN: Yep.

SPIKE: I hope it's toy poodle hell. I've had my fill of fire.

GUNN: It's not hell. It's a Wolfram & Hart holding dimension.

ANGEL: Meaning what—senior partners haven't decided what to do with Lindsey?

GUNN: Their version of a penalty box.

ANGEL: Great. So... how we supposed to get there?

GUNN: Ever taken the Camaro?

(tosses the keys to Angel. cut to them driving down the street, but Angel's not steering)

ANGEL: This is weirding me out. Is this weirding you out?

SPIKE: What, you never heard of Knight Rider? The Knight Industries 2000? K.I.T.T.? (shakes his head) Never mind.

GUNN: Car's built to get us there. Once we have Lindsey, it's on us to find the Wrath.

SPIKE: The Wrath?! You know that's gonna be a giggle.

GUNN: Whatever it is, we got to go through it to get out.

ANGEL: I've never seen these streets before.

GUNN: Where we going— not in the Thomas Guide.

SPIKE: (sighs, resigned) There's gonna be fire.

(The Camaro heads through the dark night into a tunnel carved into a hillside and emerges in sunny suburbia)

SPIKE: This isn't hell. It's the 'burbs. Close enough.

ANGEL: This is Lindsey's punishment? For trying to kill me? Hunh! Maybe it's a reward.

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written by: Elizabeth Craft & Sarah Fain; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 19

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