Warren to Jonathan: stop being so freakazoid
from Normal Again (Season 6)
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WARREN: Dude, that poison's got her drooling, like some kind of...

JONATHAN: (interrupting) Where you guys been?

WARREN: Uh, picking up some stuff.

ANDREW: And checking out Buffy on the van's remote surveillance.

WARREN: Andrew's demon pet has done some number on the slayer. Has her tripping like a Ken Russell film festival.

JONATHAN: What kind of stuff?


JONATHAN: The packages... what's in them?

WARREN: Well, what do you think, Spanky, you think we're plotting against you?

JONATHAN: Better not be.

WARREN: It's just stuff, Big Man. You'll be in the know, just as soon as you stop being all freakazoid. (turns to computer) ah, there's the vault.

ANDREW: I still say we're gonna need eight more guys to pull this off.

WARREN: (shaking head) Never should have let you see that movie. (Jonathan starts backing away) Uh, where you going?

JONATHAN: Out. Getting stuff *I* need.

WARREN: You know, I don't really think that's such a good idea.

JONATHAN: Why not?

WARREN: Well, it's... it's just not safe out there. Alone. You saw how close the slayer got. Look, we're a team. Something happens to you, it happens to all of us, right? Look, I know you're antsy, we all are, but you see things, they're about to pick up, big time. You just gotta be careful right now, alright? Stick together, 'kay?

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written by: Diego Gutierrez; Got tired of waiting to find a complete transcript to copy-paste from, so I typed these up myself.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 30

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