Wesley to Gunn: Yes, you seemed like something was up before you made that tasteless and horrible joke at my expense.
from A Hole in the World (Season 5)
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(Gunn is walking around his office bouncily, singing "Three Little Maids From School" from The Mikado by Gilbert and Sullivan.)

GUNN: Three little maids who, all unwary, Come from a ladies' seminary, Freed from its genius tutelary— Three little maids from school! Three little maids—

(he notices Wesley is at his door, quickly switches to rap)

GUNN: ..and ya don't stop with all the ladies in the...gangsta but ... go (speaking) What's up?

WESLEY: I should ask you. You seem unutterably cheery.

GUNN: I am. I am. (excited) Look, I gotta be straight with you 'cause this is kinda blowin' my mind.

WESLEY: Tell me.

GUNN: Fred and I are getting back together.

(Wes is stunned)

GUNN: She was so keyed up from last night's fight, she asked me over. We ended up talking for hours like old times, then, all of a sudd... I can't even keep this up 'cause your face is gonna make me weep. Wes, I am so messin' with you.

WESLEY: I— Oh... (sighs in relief) No, I...

GUNN: Come on. Brother gets a dig in. That's my right.

WESLEY: So, you know about—

GUNN: It's on every Blackberry in the building. No secrets in the House of Pain.

WESLEY: And... is that all right...with you? Fred and me?

GUNN: Last year, you wouldn't ask me that question. The man becomes civilized. It's cool. Our thing's long done, and I know how you feel about her.

WESLEY: Thank you.

GUNN: And to add the necessary boilerplate, you ever hurt her, I'm gonna kill ya like a chicken.

WESLEY: Acceptable terms.

GUNN: Now, on to the real fun.

WESLEY: Yes, you seemed like something was up before you made that tasteless and horrible joke at my expense.

GUNN: Lindsey McDonald.

WESLEY: You know where he is?

GUNN: Settle for was? He can hide from the senior partners, but not from the DWP and not from our many, many ears.

WESLEY: He was living here...

GUNN: Under the name of Doyle. The way he was messin' with Spike and Angel, could be he had some other schemes laid out. Senior partners took him out fast. I don't even think he had time to pack.

WESLEY: Worth checking. Nice work. You should tell Angel.

GUNN: You can tell him. I ain't goin' in there.

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written by: Joss Whedon; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
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