Angel to Gunn: I know, I'm just... I don't know, just feeling a bit... disconnected
from The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco (Season 5)
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(Angel is signing documents for Gunn)

ANGEL: Is that blood?

GUNN: Yeah, but it's OK. It's yours.

ANGEL: Huh. And how is that OK?

GUNN: Demon law requires blood signatures on all legal documents. Your Herbie Hancock here locks and loads these docs. Then I take 'em into court and fire away.

ANGEL: Locks and loads. Got it.

GUNN: As C.E.O. and president of Wolfram & Hart, you just bankrupted a company that dumps raw demon waste into Santa Monica bay, banished a clan of pyro warlocks into a hell dimension, and started a foster care program for kids whose parents have been killed by vampires. Not bad for a day's pay.

ANGEL: (unenthused) Yeah. Great.

GUNN: Look, I know legal weasels and business deals aren't as heroic to you as rescuing young honeys from tumescent trolls, but I *love* what we do.

ANGEL: Tumescent...trolls?

GUNN: Went a little Johnnie Cochran on ya. You know, for the first time in my life, I can't wait to get to work in the morning. You've always had your special powers. Now I have mine.

SPIKE: Isn't that special! We all have special powers. Anybody wanna trade? I'll swap ya two-for-one. Walking through walls, picking up mugs... (picks up a mug) in exchange for... I don't know... how about me not being dead?

ANGEL: How about you not *being* here?

SPIKE: If wishes were horses...

(Angel stands, looks out the window.)


ANGEL: Yeah. Fine. Like you said, not bad for a day's pay.

GUNN: I know you hate working here, what with the bureaucracy and the fact that most of our employees want us dead. But in-house attacks are down 30% this week. And we've done more good here in a month than Angel investigations did in a year.

ANGEL: I know, I'm just... I don't know, just feeling a bit...

SPIKE: Squishy?

ANGEL: Disconnected.

SPIKE: Are you serious? Here you are, finally living a piece of the high life! new clothes, new cars, my old tumble fetching you tasty snacks! And what's your gripe? I feel disconnected. You want to feel disconnected, try being a bloody ghost for a bit! Try bobbin' around with no touch or taste or smell. Not many fates worse than that, I'd wager.

(the masked mailman walks into the office pushing his mail cart)

SPIKE: OK, maybe that.

GUNN: I know what you're saying about the disconnect. Much as I love the legalese, gotta admit, I miss mixing it up sometimes, you know? I miss getting my hands dirty.

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written by: Jeffrey Bell; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 23

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