Final manifest spirit showdown from Lessons (Season 7) | Next Clip in Episode |
BUFFY: Guys? Resentful dead guys? This can't be good. Come on, manifest spirits, raised up, controlled by a... talisman.
(Buffy makes a call on her cell phone.)
BUFFY: Xander...
(in a different part of basement)
DAWN: We need to find some kind of weapon just to hold them off.
(Carlos finds some bricks on a nearby utility shelf.)
CARLOS: I got these.
DAWN: Kit, gimme your bag.
(Dawn empties the contents of Kit's purse on the floor and replaces them with the bricks. Buffy is still looking for them in the basement.)
KIT: Do you think they're gonna come back?
DEAD TEEN GIRL: Think they're gonna come back? We never left. We'll always be here. Just like you.
KIT: No.
DEAD TEEN GIRL: Why do you think we picked you? The ones no one will miss. The ones that don't belong. You spend all your time trying to get out of high school, and now you'll never ever leave.
Cut to:
XANDER: (noticing the gaping hole in the bathroom floor) Whoa. Contracty goodness. Talisman, talisman.
cut back to the basement.
DEAD JANITOR: You can thank your sister for this.
(Buffy arrives)
DAWN: Thanks, sis.
BUFFY: We just need to keep them at bay.
DAWN: The bag!
(Xander finds the talisman)
BUFFY: Do you really want to keep this up?
DEAD JANITOR: What're you going to do, kill us?
(Xander breaks the talisman, dead people disappear)
CARLOS: Are they gone?
BUFFY: Yeah. The talisman must have been destroyed.
DAWN: How'd you know it was a talisman?
BUFFY: There's always a talisman. The real question is who put it there. C'mon, you guys, let's go find a way upstairs, assuming there is one.
DAWN: You really weren't kidding about this place. I guess it hasn't changed.
BUFFY: I don't know. Seems smaller.
written by: Joss Whedon; Transcribed by: CariCranberry. Full transcript at: