Cordelia to Angel: were we together? a happy family?
from Slouching Toward Bethlehem (Season 4)
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CORDELIA: So, I'm not a spy?


CORDELIA: Am I a mom? (Angel walks forward, and she hands him a picture of baby Connor)

ANGEL: That's my son. That's Connor. But no, you're not his mother.

CORDELIA: So, we weren't a happy family?

ANGEL: Not like that.

CORDELIA: And you and me? We weren't—

ANGEL: Weren't...

CORDELIA: Together? (leans in for a kiss)

ANGEL: (leans in for a kiss) Not exactly.

CORDELIA: (suddenly pulling back before they kiss) Was I a nun?

ANGEL: A what?

CORDELIA: Were we not a happy family because I was a nun? I was going through my stuff (grabs a handful of rosaries) and I found all these—

(Cordelia puts numerous rosaries adorned with crucifixes in Angel's hands, causing him to vamp out uncontrollably. He growls, and she screams & runs.)

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written by: Jeffrey Bell; Originally transcribed by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 19

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